Are 4 Inch Air Filters Worth It? - The Benefits of Investing in a Thicker Filter

4 inch air filters offer a number of advantages over their thinner counterparts. They last longer and provide better air quality for your home. Learn more about the benefits of investing in a thicker filter.

Are 4 Inch Air Filters Worth It? - The Benefits of Investing in a Thicker Filter

When it comes to air filters, size does matter. While 1-inch filters are the most common, 4-inch filters are becoming increasingly popular. But why? Is it worth investing in a thicker filter? The answer is a resounding yes! 4-inch air filters offer a number of advantages over their thinner counterparts. For starters, 4-inch filters last longer than 1-inch filters. This means that, even though they may cost more upfront, they can help you save money in the long run.

Generally speaking, 1-inch filters need to be replaced every three months, while 4-inch filters can last up to 12 months. In addition to lasting longer, 4-inch filters also provide better air quality for your home. This is because they have more surface area for trapping particles. At MERV 13, the highest rating you'll find on most popular residential HVAC filters, you can count on the filter to stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. When it comes to installation, 4-inch filters are usually installed in a small cabinet next to the boiler or air controller (on the air intake side). If the filter slot is big enough, you can use it, but if it's less than 4 inches wide, you'll have to use that thickness, usually a one to two inch filter. We also control the extent to which each filter restricts air flow, using a differential pressure transducer installed in the air filter.

This helps ensure that your HVAC system is running efficiently and effectively. So if you're looking for an air filter that will last longer and provide better air quality for your home, then investing in a 4-inch filter is definitely worth considering.

Cecilia Gochett
Cecilia Gochett

Incurable coffee guru. Devoted coffee evangelist. Devoted twitteraholic. Extreme food geek. Friendly beer aficionado. Freelance coffee lover.

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